Multi-day Event Monitoring

Quick facts

  • For this test you wear a portable device called a cardiac event recorder to record your heart’s electrical activity using an electrocardiogram (ECG).

  • It can show what’s happening with your heart when you have fast or slow heartbeats, feel dizzy or faint, and how you respond to medicines. 

  • You wear the recorder under your clothes, usually for several days.  

  • You can eat and drink as normal before your appointments and during the monitoring period.

  • Allow 30 minutes for the recorder to be fitted; and 15 minutes to be removed.


Multiday event monitoring is where we ask you to wear a portable device called a cardiac event recorder to record your heart’s electrical activity as you go about your daily life. You’ll wear the small portable device under your clothes.

A cardiac event recorder makes a record of your heart’s activity using an electrocardiogram (ECG). It can show us what’s happening with your heart when you have fast or slow heartbeats, feel dizzy or like you want to faint. It can also be used to see how you respond to medicines. 

How to prepare 

You can eat and drink as normal before your appointment and during the monitoring period. Please wear a two-piece outfit to your appointment as you’ll need to undress to the waist for us to fit the monitor.

What to expect 

The cardiac event recorder is a battery-powered portable device that you control. We’ll ask you to record when you have symptoms, or during specific times of the day, as you go about your normal activities. The recorder will store your ECG results in the memory of the monitor. 


You’ll usually be asked to wear the device for several days. We’ll discuss all the details at your appointment so you know exactly what you need to do.  

Fitting appointment – allow 30 minutes for the monitor to be fitted.  

Follow up appointment – allow 15 minutes for the monitor to be removed.